
St Michael’s and St Bernadette’s is a thriving parish community. Alongside our Ministries we have numerous Groups that meet on a regular basis to socialise, build community and generally keep on top of our parish buildings and facilities. Take a look through the Groups below and if you see something you’d like to get involved with just let us know and we’ll put you in touch with the relevant Group contact.


What is the Family Groups Movement?


The aims of the Family Groups Movement are:

  • To get to know other members of the Parish
  • To support each other sharing each other’s joys and sorrows and so building the Christian community as in the early Church
  • To involve our children in our Christian sharing directly, if possible. If not, then indirectly by our example

The PFGM is an international organisation and was founded in 1973 by Fr Peter McGrath CP in the parish of St. Anthony in the Fields, Terrey Hills, Sydney Australia. Since then, it has grown from those very humble beginnings to an important part of community life in over 400 parishes in six countries. The Movement is Ecumenical and continues to grow.

Family groups in Whitefield

In October 2007, a not so ‘shy and retiring’ Australian priest, Father Peter McGrath, came to St Bernadette’s Church to tell us about the family group movement he set up in Australia in the mid-1970’s. With the blessing and support of our Parish Priest, Fr Chris Lough, he spoke at all Masses, talking passionately about how the groups were working in other parts of the world. He shared a DVD recording of the group in Australia from which parishioners heard directly from the members themselves how being part of a family group had enriched their life.

During Fr Peter’s visit the initial response was overwhelming with over 120 people from the parish signing up to join the Family Groups. With a little persuasion, parish coordinators, group leaders and deputies were quickly identified resulting in four strong groups being formed that very weekend. As more parishioners experienced enthusiasm for the new groups demand to join continued, resulting in a fifth Group being formed in January ‘08.

Group Structures

The family groups are supported by a network of volunteers. We have a couple who act as parish coordinators and offer support to leaders and their groups. Each group has a team of leaders and deputies whose role is to support the development of the group and to facilitate activities. However, it is the responsibility of the whole group to make it a success.

By early 2008 membership of the 5 groups at St Bernadette’s was in excess of 120 active members. The family groups comprise a rich mix of members, ranging from the single parents with children, single people, families whose children have just started school through to senior couples whose children have moved away from the area. We welcome the whole spectrum of parishioners no matter what their circumstances.

There are no rules, just a few shared principles passed on by Fr Peter. These are:

  • meet once a month
  • never cancel a meeting
  • establish an effective means of communication amongst the group
  • develop a programme of events
  • try to hold a house Mass once a year

With this in mind the five groups formed and developed their own unique identity. Activities were planned and designed around the group members; one group for example has a large number of families with small children, whereas another group has a more mature membership. We are now planning to establish a teenagers’ splinter group in the coming months to offer occasional activities for teenagers who are part of existing family groups. It is intended that this group be led and organised by the teenagers themselves.

There has been some movement across groups when members have not immediately settled into their allocated group. We work on the principle that it is better to retain and swop a family into a new group rather than lose them. This has been quite successful in retaining membership of the Parish family groups.


The leaders and deputies are ‘volunteers’ drawn from a range of backgrounds. Some groups have married couples running them, whilst one group is led by two friends and another by two couples who share the workload.

The Parish Coordinators arrange a ‘leaders and deputies’ meeting at least once a term and this provides a good opportunity for all to share experiences and plan Parish events.

We held a successful social evening for all leaders last year in which shared a hot meal. Whilst were together we reflected on progress to date and looked towards continued expansion within the parish.

What do family Groups do?

Most people assume that family Groups are prayer based – this is not the case. Fr Peter captures the family group philosophy as “creating a sense of community in the parish and a sense of parish in the community” to create and develop a sense of belonging in our worshipping community. Most group members say that before they joined a family group, they used to attend Mass each week, smile and nod at the person next to them, even share the sign of peace but that was it! Being part of a family group has changed that with many people developing firm friendships and a network of support from within St Bernadette’s’ community. We have even been able to share the joy of new family members being baptised.

Early Birds – We are a group of people ( men & women ) who meet every Friday morning at 8.00am to “clean and polish” St Michael’s Church and Archangel room.

Currently we are a team of 8 people who share the tasks, hoovering, cleaning toilets and kitchen areas, polishing brasses replenishing candles etc…

We enjoy a social cup of tea together after our efforts and before 10.00am Mass.  We are always happy to see new faces. We don’t have a rota, people just come when they can.

For further information either Pop in….any Friday or contact Helen Bailey TEL 0161 766 5485

The main work is personal contact through visits made by members to the elderly, sick and housebound, the bereaved and others with special needs, and to offer help and support in times of crisis and on an ongoing basis.  Members meet regularly to pray together and plan their practical work.

St Bernadette’s members meet alternate Mondays at 7:00 p.m. in the Lourdes Room (contact 07510 294 451) and St Michael’s members meet alternate Mondays at 2:00 p.m. in a member’s home (contact 07486 576 699).

We are Manchester Lithuanian Society and a lot of our events take place at St Michael’s hall. Our aims:  

1. Creating possibilities for Lithuanian community in Manchester and surrounding areas to gather together for celebrating national events, preserving Lithuanian language and traditions.

2. Creating a positive image of Lithuanians in the UK, presenting Lithuanian traditions to the wider British community.

3. Co-operation with other communities having similar aims and supporting them. 

More information about us and our events is on Facebook page Mančesterio Lietuvių Draugija or Some events are organised not only for Lithuanian Community.

We have an Anglo-Lithuanian walkers’ group that organises walks every first Sartuday of a month. Eveyone is welcome to join us. For more information contact Nijole 07977 459732.

There is ensemble “Kelyje” that sings in Lithuanian Mass every forth Sunday of each month and in different events. It organises open rehearsals once a month where everyone is welcome. For more info contact Kristina 07474776358

On 1st September fundraising event will be in English. Everyone is welcome to a family friendly event with lots of activities for everyone.


We meet about once a month ( but also have sub meetings for different teams, such as the education  and benefits teams who may meet separately). Meetings depend on what we need to do, so earlier on when we were preparing the house shortly before the family arrived and after their arrived we meet fortnightly.  
In September 2015, Pope Francis called upon all Catholic parishes to provide a home for a refugee family. In response to this our parish St Michael and St Bernadette’s supported a family from Syria here in our community. 

This initiative has backing from the United Nations, UK Government, Bury Council and Caritas Salford Diocese.

We filled in a complex application bid to the Home Office and were accepted to sponsor a family.  We know the family have had a terrible time during the civil war in Syria and had no choice but to flee their home. Our role has been to welcome and nurture the family through the difficult process of beginning a new life in a foreign country and having to leave other family members behind. We support them to make a life for themselves in the UK.

We have a brilliant team of about 25 volunteers who are involved in different sub groups (finance, housing, education, benefits and employment and health and welfare). As a group we found a suitable property for our family working with a housing association and furnished it ourselves, fund raised, provide extra bespoke English, science and maths, help and accompany the family with hospital, doctor and dentist appointments and visit and spend quality and social time with them and much more.

If anybody is interesting in attending a meeting, wants to know more details and how to help contact Felicity Brangan (Project Manager) 07707038883 or Ged Cavanagh (Planning Coordinator) 07768036026

If you want to find out more about this scheme – Google – Community Sponsorship mini guide, then click on this link

We have been in existence for forty years and have become part of the spiritual life of the Parish. All are very welcome to join us at our meetings which take place weekly in the Lourdes Room at St Bernadettes Church on Tuesdays at 8.00pm following 7.30 Mass.